Fleming Left Hand rule and Fleming Right Hand rule
Whenever, a current carrying conductor comes under a magnetic field, there will be force acting on the conductor and on the other hand,...

The Total Internal Reflection & Critical Angle
Total internal reflection (TIR) is the phenomenon that involves the reflection of all the incident light off the boundary. TIR only takes...
What do you meant by kilogram force and write its relation with newton?
One kilogram force ( 1 Kg f) is the force required to lift a body of mass 1 kilogram. 1 Kg f = 9.8 N #Workdone
Establish the relation between Newton and Dyne
1 N = 1 Kg x 1 m / sec2 = 1000 gm. x 100 cm / sec2 = 105 gm. cm / sec2 1 N = 105 Dyne [ 1 gm. cm / sec2 = 1 dyne ] #Workdone

Discuss the Principal of A.C Generator by labelled diagram.
Principle : A.C. generators or alternators (as they are usually called) operate on the same fundamental principles of electromagnetic...

Motion Graphs
There are three main motion graphs that tend to be studied in kinematics: displacement-time graphs, velocity-time graphs, and...