Spectrum from prism
Sunlight is often called white light, since it is a combination of all the visible colors. Since the index of refraction is different for...

Explain briefly what causes the twinkling of stars at night.
Solution : The light from stars suffers a series of refraction due to atmospheric layers of different densities and the different...
When there is no gain in mechanical advantage of a single fixed pulley, why is it then used?
Although there is no gain in mechanical advantage, but due to following reasons, we are using single fixed pulley: To raise a load...

How D.C. Motor works?
A motor is an electrical machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The principle of working of a DC motor is that...
What is an A.C. generator or dynamo used for? Name the principle on which it works.
Solution : An A.C. generator or dynamo converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. An A.C. Generator works on the principal of...